Julia Tauritari
Pavel Krasheninin
I see a lot of common ground in people. There’s much more in common than differences. Thin layers of ideology and beliefs wrap around the larger common nature of humanity. This nature, in my deep conviction, boils down to the desire to live normally and predictably. The problem lies in the fact that only this upper thin layer is visible from the outside, which hinders listening to each other or at least not despising each other. And this applies to absolutely everyone, regardless of political or ideological position, including myself.
I’m trying to find ways that would allow, through art, to extend threads that could connect people from different social, cultural, and informational bubbles, showcasing a bit of this commonality. Loving one’s enemies is an unbearably difficult task and an unsolvable problem, but if we don’t go down this path, we won’t make progress.
Anonymous artist O
Anonymous artist P
Anonymous artist
Anonymous artist M
Anonymous deputy
Yana Tarakanova
Yana Tarakanova is a young Russian artist. She was born in 1995 in Zelenograd. Currently resides in Bratislava in Slovakia